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Regulations (EN)


Table of contents:



















§ 1 


The terminology used in these Regulations (capitalized) shall be understood as follows:

  1. Regulations – this document, which sets out the terms and conditions for the provision of Services, including services by electronic means, in particular, the rights and obligations of the Parties. These Regulations have been drawn up in accordance with the requirements resulting from the Act of 18 July 2002 on the provision of services by electronic means (Journal of Laws No. 144, item 1204, as amended);
  2. Services – a set of functionalities made available by the Operator to the User. The scope of the currently provided Services with the information about the amount to be paid (or lack of it) is specified in the Price List. The Price List is attached as Appendix No. 1 to these Regulations.
  3. Operator – INSIDE PARK APLIKACJA Limited Liability Company, with its registered office in Toruń (87-100), Prosta Street 12-14/1, entered into the National Court Register under number 0000754803, TAX ID: 7123376120.
  4. User – a natural person, a legal person or an organisational unit that is not a legal person but to which the law grants legal capacity, using the Application and the Services available through it.
  5. Price List – available at, an act indicating the scope of the currently provided Services, their description with the information about the amount to be paid (or lack of it).
  6. Account – a set of resources (profile) maintained for the User within the Application, accessible by entering Login, Password and e-mail address, which contains the User’s data and the information on the User’s activities within the Application, by means of which the User may use the functionality of the Application and the Services offered through it;
  7. Application – a set of functionalities offered by the Operator enabling the provision of Services;
  8. Consumer – a natural person who performs a legal transaction which is not directly related to their business or professional activity with the Operator
  9. Entrepreneur – a natural person, a legal person, and an organisational unit referred to in Article 331 § 1 of the Civil Code, conducting business or professional activity on their own behalf.
  10. Individual Entrepreneur – a natural person who performs a legal transaction which is directly related to their business activity, if the content of this activity is not of professional nature to them, arising in particular from the subject of their business activity, made available on the basis of the provisions of the Central Register and Information on Business Activity.
  11. Service Provider – an external entity offering its services (additional services) to Application Users (e.g. a service technician). 

§ 2 


  • Services are intended for:
    • natural persons with full legal capacity (and, in the cases provided for by generally applicable regulations, also for natural persons with limited legal capacity)
    • legal persons or organisational units without legal personality.
  • The usage of Services requires registration, activation and verification of an Account.
  • Registration, activation, and verification of an Account are carried out as follows by:
    • filling in a registration form by indicating the required identification data
    • providing an active e-mail address and telephone number
    • accepting the provisions of the Regulations
    • giving consent to the processing of personal data
    • verifying the correctness of the data provided via a text message which is sent to the indicated telephone number
    • verifying the correctness of the e-mail address by activating the activation link sent.
  • Access to particular Services may require additional information about the User, namely:
    • PESEL number (personal ID number)
    • No. and series of identity card or passport
    • Expiry date of identity document
    • Country
    • Address
    • Date of birth
    • Parents’ first names
    • Maiden name
    • Amount of income (range)
    • Payment card number
    • Education
    • Present occupation
    • Length of employment in the current position (range)
    • Age (range)
    • Marital status
    • Number of dependants
    • Life insurance
    • Credit obligations
  • Access to some Services may require additional verification of the User. Additional verification requires the User to enter the number of their payment card, after which a small sum is debited from their account (verification payment – the charged amount is then refunded).

§ 3 


  • After registration, activation and verification of the Account, the User may use one of the provided profiles:
    • Owner. His/her basic permissions include:
      • entering property data, date of availability, other elements
      • negotiating rental conditions
      • concluding rental agreements
      • confirming the handover of the property (acceptance protocol)
      • managing rented properties
      • ordering additional services from the Operator and external service providers
    • Resident. His/her basic permissions include:
      • browsing the rental offers available in the Application,
      • negotiating rental conditions
      • concluding tenancy agreements
      • confirming the handover of the property (acceptance protocol)
      • making payments (via the Operator)
      • reporting problems, filing complaints.
    • Service Provider. His / her basic permissions include:
      • entering additional services into the Application
      • receiving requests (requests for additional services)
      • preparing appraisals
      • communicating with users in need of additional services (via internal chat)
      • performing additional services on his/her own behalf and for his/her own account.
    • Investor. His / her basic permissions include:
      • reviewing rental agreements concluded via the Application, and the subsequent acquisition of the resulting receivables (along with the option of insuring the purchase of receivables, which is done by the Operator); 
      • reviewing properties available in the Application and their subsequent purchase (in the price negotiation mode, price suggestions are generated on the basis of the average price per metre as provided by the Central Statistical Office). The Application enables the conclusion of a preliminary contract. Due to legal requirements, the transaction is finalized outside the Application. 
  1. The basic permissions of the Operator include:
    • offering insurance – at the Owner’s request, via chat, he / she can present an insurance offer for a flat, for the rental of a flat (receivables), or for the sold receivables;
    • offering the option of key collection – the Operator may act as an intermediary in collecting the keys to the flat (the Owner delivers the keys to the Operator’s office or to any other agreed place)
    • performing an authorisation of the flat – a representative of the Operator prepares a premises acceptance protocol
    • taking photos of the apartment – a representative of the Operator takes and uploads into the system professional photos of the apartment
    • 3D photos of the premises – a representative of the Operator takes and uploads 3D imaging of the premises into the system
    • managing the premises – for a monthly fee, the Operator takes over the responsibilities of the owner as the manager of the rented flat. The Operator acts as an intermediary in rent payments, as well as in investor transactions, charging an agreed commission.
    • the option to browse through the information on rental contracts and properties available in the Application,  and then to decide to present a rental or purchase offer (the Operator retains the right of priority in this respect, which means that he / she is entitled to present a rental or purchase offer on his / her own, before making the data on the rental or on the property available to other Users. In practice, the Operator presents offers under the right of priority or marks properties or rentals as visible to other Users).

§ 4


  1. As part of Services, the Operator shall provide Users with services, the essence of which is, in particular, but not exclusively, to enable Users to use the following options:
    1. Real estate rental service, including the repair and refurbishment of the rented flats, with instructional video clips for real estate issues. As part of this service, the User will be able to:
      • publish rental offers in the Application – applies to both private and institutional owners;
      • use an advanced search engine, allowing them to find rental offers
      • negotiate the price
      • finalise transactions by enabling the conclusion of a distance agreement and making payments remotely
      • order additional services provided by the Operator or Service Providers, including among others: providing the client with the keys (code verification or using a QR reader), verification of the flat (checking the readings of the meters and the equipment, preparing for the acceptance protocol) or taking professional photographs, as well as the service of insuring the flat, renovating or conducting repairs, in the form of asking for a price offer and the possibility of paying the full amount / advance payment.
      • sign remotely the acceptance protocol of the rented property
      • communicate during the tenancy with the landlord in order to voice requests and report defects.
      • use the support tools in the form of multimedia materials which present the necessary step-by-step instructions, as well as practical advice.
    2. A service for the purchase and sale of rent receivables with instructional video clips for real estate issues. As part of this service, the user will be able to:
      • buy/sell receivables for the benefit of the Operator or another Investor, including the possibility of buying/selling time packages of receivables on the secondary rental market (e.g. the option to obtain an accelerated advance repayment of several years at a fixed percentage or on other customisable market terms).
      • during the conclusion of the receivables sales contract, the purchaser will be able to access the flat statistics and the risks associated with the recovery of the receivables;
      • use the support tools in the form of multimedia materials which present the necessary step-by-step instructions, as well as practical advice.
    3. Real estate reservation service with instructional video clips for real estate issues. As part of this service, the User will be able to:
      • reserve selected properties in order to limit their availability. The owner specifies the details of the reservation, including the financial details and the possible duration of the reservation;
      • sign a preliminary contract for the sale of the property with the function of accepting a down payment;
      • insure the purchased property;
      • use the support tools in the form of multimedia materials presenting the necessary step-by-step instructions, as well as practical advice.
    4. Comprehensive transactional service via the Application. The Application enables:
      • the process of rental reservation/rental itself/further rental in its entirety, through the provided IT platform, without the need for any physical contact with the authorities, as well as without the need to prepare or handle paper correspondence.
      • automation of the process of maintenance, from simple repairs to renovations, by using the database of Service Providers.
      • access to the extended possibilities of purchase/rental through bidding and price negotiation mechanisms, which will maximise the attractiveness of the prices of the products available within the Application;
      • the use of dual authorisation technology (SMS code) in order to confirm the conclusion of a contract, as well as blockchain technology in order to permanently save this event in the blockchain.
    5. Legal and accounting services. Payment services.
      • The application enables comprehensive legal and accounting services for transactions. The entire service, both of legal and accounting nature, will be carried out outside the User, with the use of the IT tools provided, and will include the preparation of contracts, confirmation of the conclusion of the contract, as well as issuing bills, and payment processing. The system will also allow automatic financial transactions (by providing payment options).
    6. Counterparty credibility and transaction risk assessment service (as per para. 4)
    7. A service providing easy and intuitive access to the products offered on the real estate market. The application will ensure constant access to the products and services related to the properties managed.
    8. A service granting access to full insurance support. The application enables:
      • the purchase of insurance offers for properties rented and bought using the Application
      •  the possibility to order an insurance covering repayment of receivables and random events.
    9. Access to training. The Application will enable:
      • access to training courses for registered and verified Users;;
      • the option to self-test the acquired knowledge by taking tests developed for training courses. 
  2. The Operator does not guarantee access to all the functionalities and Services.
  3. Services may be provided in variants. Services may be offered in various billing models.
  4. Some Services may be reserved for a particular User profile.
  5. The nature and scope of Services depend on the selected variant.
  6. The information on the currently available Services is included in the Application and in the Price List.
  7. A User who is a Consumer or an Individual Entrepreneur, prior to the activation of a given Service, submits the following statement: “I hereby order the performance of a contract for the provision of services and request its completion before its deadline of withdrawal from the contract”.

§ 5


  1.  Each Account shall be assessed on the basis of Gamification and Financial Scoring, which (in a simplified form) may be made available to other Users. Users do not receive detailed, specific information that constitutes the components of the assessment.
  2. Gamification – (also referred to in Polish as gamyfikacja or gryfikacja) is a process of using the mechanisms and systems known mainly from computer or board games and finding their application in everyday life. The main objective of these techniques is to increase the user’s involvement in performing specific activities. Ocena w procesie Grywalizacji odbywać się będzie na podstawie, następujących czynników, różnych, w zależności od profilu Użytkownika, czy przedmiotu oceny:
  3. Assessment in the process of Gamification will take place on the basis of the following factors, which may vary depending on the profile of the User or the subject of assessment:
    1. Owner
      • correctness of profile and personal data completion
      • number of rented properties (including rental parameters)
      • correctness of uploading the property and completing the offer
      • speed at which issues are resolved
      • compliance of the product with specifications
      • quality of service
      • speed of communication
      • average rating given by tenants
      • time spent in the application
    2. Resident
      • correctness of profile completion
      • timeliness
      • amount of damage
      • number of noise and order disturbance interventions
      • average rating
      • time spent in the application
    3. Owner (in terms of property sales)
      • correctness of profile completion
      • correctness of uploading the property
      • average rating
      • speed of communication
      • number of properties sold
      • time spent in the application
    4. Investor
      • correctness of profile completion
      • average rating
      • number of properties purchased
      • speed of communication
      • time spent in the application
    5. Service providers
      • punctuality
      • timeliness
      • professionalism
      • price-quality ratio
      • average rating
    6. Properties published in the Application will be assessed in terms of:
      • compliance with description
      • compliance with description
      • amenities
      • comfort
      • location
      • surroundings.
  4. Scoring is an assessment of a user’s stability and financial credibility. The following criteria are taken into account when determining Scoring: monthly income, education, occupation, length of employment in the current position, age, marital status, number of dependants, life insurance ownership, credit commitments.
  5. Participation in the assessment for the purposes of Gamification and Scoring is voluntary.
  6. The results of Gamification and Scoring may affect the terms and conditions of the Services offered, and the User’s satisfaction with the Application.

§ 6


  1. Unless clearly stated otherwise, the Services offered by the Operator shall be payable.
  2. The information on the payment for Services, the amount of remuneration, and settlement rules shall be published in each case in the Price List and the Application. 
  3. The Operator is entitled to update the Price List without notifying the User. Updates of the Price List shall not apply to those Services which commenced prior to such changes. 
  4. The remuneration for Services will be paid in advance, unless the provisions of the Price List clearly state otherwise.
  5. The Operator enables payment via PayU S.A
  6. VAT invoices for Services will be delivered in PDF format to the User by e-mail to the address provided by the User.
  7. By accepting these Regulations, the User authorises the Operator to issue VAT invoices in an electronic form. Furthermore, the User agrees that VAT invoices may be delivered electronically to the e-mail address provided by the User.
  8. The Operator may conduct promotional campaigns which enable the use of Services on preferential terms. The principles of such campaigns and terms of participation shall be specified in separate regulations or in the information given by the Service Provider.
  9. Settlement rules and the Operator’s remuneration rates may vary depending on the results of Gamification and Scoring. 
  10. The Operator is entitled to accept payments from the parties to the legal relationships established in the Application, and then, after the deduction of the settlement that is due to the Operator, to make due payments and settlements. 
  11. The Operator will exercise the necessary diligence to ensure that any settlements with Users are made within 7 days from the date of crediting the payment on the Operator’s account.

§ 7


  1. The User shall use the Application and the Services offered through it in accordance with their intended purpose.
  2. It is the User’s responsibility to comply with the rules set out in these Regulations.
  3. When using Services, the User shall respect the applicable legal provisions, in particular those concerning the protection of personal data, copyrights and intellectual property.
  4. In the event of a violation of the rules set out in this paragraph, the User may be held accountable on both criminal and civil grounds. In particular, the User may be held liable for the violation of rights, property, or freedom of third parties.
  5. The Operator will do everything within their power to ensure that the use of the Application is safe. The Operator cannot, however, accept liability for any risks specific to the use of the Internet (such as malicious software, criminal activity of third parties etc.).

§ 8


  1. The Operator will strive to ensure that the Services offered are provided in a continuous and uninterrupted manner..
  2. The Operator reserves the right to interrupt access to the Application and Services.
  3. The Operator will, whenever possible, inform the Users about the anticipated interruptions in accessing the Application and/or Services.
  4. The Operator will plan the necessary interruptions taking into account the best interest of the Users aiming at minimising the inconvenience related to such interruptions.
  5. The Operator shall offer any Service “as is” (i.e. the condition it is currently in).
  6. The Operator accepts the possibility of updating Services.
  7. The Operator does not provide a guarantee for Services.
  8. The Operator may act as a party to the concluded Contracts (in particular as a Landlord, Investor, external service provider) – in such a situation, these circumstances are clearly and unambiguously communicated to the User.
  9. Unless expressly agreed otherwise, the Operator shall not be a party to the contracts concluded using the Application.
  10. In the case of contracts to which the Operator is not a party, the Operator is not responsible for:
    1. the actions or omissions of the Users who are parties to the agreement;
    2. inadequate performance or non-performance of obligations by the parties to the contract;
    3. timely payment of obligations by the contracting parties;
    4. insolvency of the parties to the contract
    5. any defects of the subjects of the contract
    6. conformity of the subject of the contract with the concluded contract (above all, the Operator is not liable under the warranty or guarantee);
  11. The Operator points out that the Scoring service, and the resulting assessment, are based largely on the information provided by the User who is being assessed. The Operator, despite exercising due diligence and having given instructions about such a duty, cannot be held accountable for the accuracy and completeness of the information provided for the purposes of this assessment. Consequently, the Operator cannot be held responsible for the consequences of any actions or omissions based on Scoring.
  12. Unless clearly stated otherwise, the Operator is not a provider of additional services that can be accessed via the Application. Unless otherwise agreed,  the providers of these are entrepreneurs independent of the Operator. Any entity conducting business activity may be a provider of additional services (Service Provider). The publication of the data of an additional service provider does not constitute a guarantee of the quality or reliability of their activities, nor is it a form of encouragement, advertising or recommendation.



  1. Any User who is a Consumer, who has concluded a distance contract may – as a rule – withdraw from this contract within 14 days without giving any reason.
  2. The period for withdrawal from the contract in case of Services starts from the date of concluding the Contract.
  3. The declaration of withdrawal may be submitted in any form.
  4. The declaration of withdrawal may be submitted, for instance:
    1. in a written form to: Prosta 12-14/1, 87-100 Toruń.
    2. win an electronic form via e-mail to: .
  5. In order to meet the deadline for withdrawal from the contract it is sufficient to send the information about exercising the right of withdrawal before the expiry of the deadline referred to in point 1.
  6. In the event of withdrawal from the contract, the contract is considered void.
  7. WIn the event of withdrawal from the contract, the Operator will immediately, no later than within 14 days of the receipt of the Consumer’s statement of withdrawal from the contract, return all the received payments.
  8. Pursuant to Article 38 of the Act, the right to withdraw from a distance contract shall not be granted to the Consumer with regard to the contracts for provision of services, if the Operator has performed the Service in full with the express consent of the Consumer, who was informed before the start of the service that after the performance by the Service Provider they would lose the right to withdraw from the contract

§ 10


  1. The provisions of this paragraph shall apply to Entrepreneurs, except for the provisions relating to Individual Entrepreneurs.
  2. Under these Regulations, the Operator’s liability based on the provisions of the Civil Code in the scope of warranty is excluded.
  3. Any liability of the Service Provider shall be limited to the cases of culpable or grossly negligent acts or omissions.
  4.  Under no circumstances shall the Operator be held liable for lost profits.
  5. The Operator shall not be held responsible for any damage resulting from loss of data.
  6. In all cases, the Operator’s liability to the User is limited to the total amount paid by the User as part of the payment for Services.
  7. The responsibility for the use of Services rests with the User.
  8. Any disputes that may arise from these Regulations (including those related to Services) shall be adjudicated by the Court with jurisdiction over the registered office of the Operator. 
  9. The following shall apply to Individual Entrepreneurs:
    1. the provisions of paragraph 7 of the Regulations (the Right to withdraw);
    2. the provisions concerning the Consumer, included in Article 385(1)-385(3) of the Civil Code (unauthorised use of prohibited clauses);
    3. the provisions of Title XI, Section II of the Civil Code relating to the Consumer (warranty for defects); the provisions of Title XI, Section II (1) of the Civil Code relating to the Consumer (a claim against the seller for a defect in the item sold).
  10. The following shall not apply to an Individual Entrepreneur:
    1. Articles 563 and 567 § 2 of the Civil Code regarding the buyer;
    2. Article 558 § 1 of the Civil Code, the second sentence.

§ 11


  1. Any person using the Application has the right to file a complaint regarding its operation.
  2. In addition, the User shall have the right to file a complaint about the operation of the Services.
  3. The Operator recommends that complaints should be sent to the following e-mail address:
  4. In order to facilitate the process of complaint examination, the Operator recommends that it should include:
    1. data identifying the person submitting the complaint;
    2. description of the problem (time, frequency of occurrence, consequences);
    3. expected manner of solution.
  5. The Operator shall examine the complaint immediately, no later than within 14 days from the date of its receipt.
  6. Please be advised that the User who is a Consumer has the possibility to make use of out-of-court forms of dealing with complaints and redress. The use of extra-judicial forms of dealing with complaints and pursuing claims is voluntary.
  7. The Consumer shall have, among others, the following possibilities to make use of out-of-court complaint and redress procedures:
    1. Initiating a mediation procedure for an amicable settlement of the dispute. Information on the mediation procedures can be found in the offices and on the websites of individual Provincial Inspectorates of Trade Inspection;
    2. Applying to a permanent amicable consumer court operating at the Provincial Inspectorate of Trade Inspection with a request to resolve the dispute;
    3. Requesting free legal assistance from a municipal or district consumer ombudsman or a social organisation whose statutory tasks include consumer protection, e.g. Consumer Federation – website address:
  8. Detailed information on out-of-court ways of resolving disputes between a trader and a Consumer can be found on the website of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection at:

§ 12


  1. The contents of the Application and the Services (including above all: works, trademarks, databases, computer programs) are protected by law. 
  2. This protection results from the generally applicable provisions of law, including:
    1. The Act on Copyright and Related Rights;
    2. The Act on Industrial Property;
    3. The Act on Protection of Databases;
    4.  the Act on Combating Unfair Competition.
  3. The rights to the above-mentioned content are vested in the Service Provider.
  4. The mere fact of using the Application and the Services does not transfer to the User any rights or licenses to the legally protected content, unless clearly stated otherwise.

§ 13


  1. The Operator is the Administrator of the Users’ personal data to the extent necessary to make the Application, its functionalities, and the Services accessible.
  2. Detailed information on the processing of personal data by the Operator (grounds, principles, scope of processing, rights and obligations of the Parties) is specified in the Privacy Policy, which is available at



  1. The Operator provides Users with the option of uploading content into the Application (including property descriptions).
  2. Users shall refrain from providing illicit content.
  3. Users should in particular refrain from:
    1. advocating radical views and behaviour, especially of discriminatory nature (regardless of the reason for the discrimination);
    2. posting vulgar content (in the common sense of the word);
    3. taking actions that are in conflict with social norms and morality;
    4. publishing any statements that incite or encourage the consumption of alcohol, drugs, tobacco or other similar substances;
    5. publishing any content that violates other people’s personal rights (including the image of a third party);
    6. undertaking advertising (or any other related activity) not agreed on with the Operator;
    7. undertaking any technical or IT security tests of the Application or its elements without the Operator’s consent;
    8. providing any links to sites that violate the rules set forth in this Paragraph.
  4. The Operator is not responsible for the credibility, accuracy, completeness or lawfulness of the content provided by Users.
  5. The Operator will prevent access to any illicit content:
    1. upon receipt of an official notification
    2. upon obtaining credible information on the subject.
  6. The User is obliged to enter and maintain up-to-date content in the Application. In particular, the User is obliged to update, i.e. to provide immediately, the following information:
    1. his/her identification data, contact data;
    2. data concerning real estate, receivables and tenancy,
    3. information on changes in ownership.
  7. If, as a result of a failure to provide current information as referred to in point 6, there has been damage, non-performance or improper performance of an obligation, payment of receivables to an unauthorized entity, the sole addressee of claims in this regard is the User who has failed
  8. If the Operator has a reasonable suspicion that:
    1. The User has failed to provide up-to-date data
    2. There is a real risk of damage, non-performance or improper performance of an obligation, payment of receivables to an unauthorised entity.

§ 15


  1. All deliveries of correspondence (including electronic documents, invoices, payment notices, requests for payment, statements regarding contracts, statements of termination, withdrawal) will be made electronically via the Application. The moment of posting the message in the Application will be considered the moment of delivery. The User will be informed by e-mail about the posting of the message in the Application.
  2. If electronic delivery proves to be impossible for technical or legal reasons, the correspondence, referred to in point 1, shall be delivered in a traditional form by registered mail to the address indicated by the User in the Application. In the event of failure to collect the letter, it will be considered delivered after 14 days from the day on which the notification to collect was left in the mail box (14 days from the first notification).
  3. The User is obliged to keep his/her contact details up to date (in particular e-mail address, correspondence address). Any correspondence sent to the User’s current address prior to the change in the Application shall be deemed effectively delivered.

§ 16


  1. It will be possible to access the resources within the Application using both a web interface and a dedicated mobile application
  2. The versions of the systems supported by the Application are iOS 14+ and Android 8+.
  3. The use of the Application and the Services offered via it require: A mobile version of the Application uploaded into a compatible device from the Apple Appstore or Google Play
  4. The use of a compatible web browser.

§ 17


  1. The User has the right to resign from using the Application, as well as to delete his / her Account, at any time, subject to point 2 below.
  2. The User’s wish to resign from using the Application and/or to delete the Account:
    1. Does not affect the validity of any agreements entered into via the Application (regardless of whether those were contracts concluded with the Operator or other Users)
    2. Does not release the User from the obligation to pay any liabilities incurred by the User. In particular, the User is obliged to pay for the entire original duration of the Service. The User is not entitled to a refund for the unused period.
  3. The Operator has the right to cancel Services with immediate effect and to refuse to provide Services in the future if the User grossly violates the provisions of these Regulations. The cancellation of Services does not deprive the User of his/her previously acquired rights.

§ 18


  1. These Regulations shall enter into force on 28.07.2022.
  2. The Regulations are available continuously on the Panel’s internet website. In addition, the Regulations shall be delivered to the Users on a durable medium at the conclusion of the contract for Services (e.g. in the form of a PDF sent to the indicated e-mail address).
  3. Users shall be informed of any changes to the Regulations via the Application.
  4. All questions, requests or comments concerning the operation of the Application, the Services offered through it should be sent to the following e-mail address: .
  5.  The provisions of the Polish law shall apply to all matters specified in these Regulations.


No. 1 – Price List